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Mike Green

Money doesn't grow on trees............does it?

Can it? Can’t it?

Well it can certainly grow from the same place a tree can.

In your garden!

Yes, blink and you can miss it as you drive along a quiet street in Worcestershire.

Miss what? I hear you ask.

Miss the opportunity I said.

The opportunity to take redundant garden and make it come alive, yes alive, alive with the sound of new owners moving into a brand new house which now stands on that overgrown bit of garden that used to be ignored. The bit of garden which has now put a large chunk of money straight in your bank account………

Have I got your attention now?


I like letting pictures tell stories, here’s 3 telling this story

You definitely can’t miss this now!

The fact is most people don’t realise they have potential right next to them. Sustainable location directives are the hot topic in planning at the moment with Government and Local policies trying to encourage less use of the motor car, more use of public transport and local community services. This bodes well for those of you who currently reside in towns or built up suburban areas. The policy guidelines can unleash potential sites in ways that were not thought possible a few years back. This increases the likelihood of planning consent for small infill plots such as this and will unlock the true financial rewards which otherwise would be left to try and grow on trees...

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